About the Journal

Publication of

Laboratório de Fenomenologia e Subjetividade (LabFeno)

Associação de Pesquisas em Fenomenologia (APFeno)


ISSN 2675-4673



Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences - Fenomenologia, Humanidades e Ciências aims to disseminate theoretical and review studies, as well as empirical research, in a multiprofessional and interdisciplinary perspective around the following themes: a) Phenomenology; b) Phenomenological Psychology; c) Philosophy of Existence; d) Humanistic and Existential Psychologies; e) Qualitative and Phenomenological Research in Health, Human, Social and Education Sciences.


Chamada - Dossiê: Phenomenology and Spiritualiaty


The Revista Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences, invites interested authors to a call for unpublished works and articles, reviews and translations for the special issue "Dossiê: Fenomenologia e Espiritualidade" - Vol. 3, N. 5 (2024)

Deadline: 04/30/2024

Main topics: The Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology and related themes.

Editoral Team: https://phenomenology.com.br/index.php/phe/about/editorialTeam

Submission guide: https://phenomenology.com.br/index.php/phe/about/submissions

Evaluation Policy: https://phenomenology.com.br/index.php/phe/about/submissions

Contact: https://phenomenology.com.br/index.php/phe/about/contact

Read more about Chamada - Dossiê: Phenomenology and Spiritualiaty

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Journal Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences
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Publication of

Laboratório de Fenomenologia e Subjetividade (LabFeno)

Associação de Pesquisas em Fenomenologia (APFeno)



Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences - Fenomenologia, Humanidades e Ciências aims to disseminate theoretical and review studies, as well as empirical research, in a multiprofessional and interdisciplinary perspective around the following themes: a) Phenomenology; b) Phenomenological Psychology; c) Philosophy of Existence; d) Humanistic and Existential Psychologies; e) Qualitative and Phenomenological Research in Health, Human, Social and Education Sciences.