Interpretation, Semiotics and Qualitative Research in Hypnosis




Hypnosis, Interpretation, Qualitative Research, Semiotics


The present work seeks to highlight some relevant references to conceive the interpretation of clinical and qualitative research in hypnosis. Starting from a brief case rapport, he discusses three important references under a semiotic and complex reading: the universe of experience of the subject, impressions and descriptions, and the problem of form. In the first reference, he emphasizes that the interpretations must contemplate the own semiotic production of the experience of the subject. In the second, that the impressions and description processes need to be integrated into the research. In the third, that the construction of interpretation needs to conceive and deal with problems of form, such as deformation (influence), information (addition of knowledge) and transformation (reconfiguration of experience). The article concludes by pointing out that, although this discussion is still initial, it points out ways to a collective discussion around the subject, as they are pertinent in terms of research and hypnosis.

Author Biography

Maurício Neubern, University of Brasília

Doutor em Psicologia, Professor Associado do Departamento de Psicologia Clínica (IP/UnB) da Universidade de Brasília.


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How to Cite

Neubern, M. (2020). Interpretation, Semiotics and Qualitative Research in Hypnosis. Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences, 1(1), 72–94.