The Awakening of Infinity in Finitude. An Analysis of Eugen Fink’s “Play as Symbol of the World”
Fink, Play, World, Symbol, Human BeingAbstract
This article aims to present a brief analysis of the Finkian understanding of the play from a cosmological philosophical perspective, a notion structured by Eugen Fink in “Play as Symbol of the World” (1960). In this work, the author claims the possibility of approaching play as a legitimate philosophical problem. He proposes to think it beyond the outlines established by traditional metaphysics, mainly through Platonic philosophy, which conceives the play as a mere reproduction of reality. Fink turns his attention to ritualistic cults and life of primitive communities and argues that, in this context, the “non-actuality” of the play world had a higher ontological character compared to the ordinary things of everyday reality. Therefore he develops his interpretation of the play on the basis of three structuring notions: totality, mediality and the notion of symbol. In this sense, the understanding of play is outlined as an ecstatic opening in relation to the totality of the world, as a manifestation of the infinity of the world in the finite human being.
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