The Awakening of Infinity in Finitude. An Analysis of Eugen Fink’s “Play as Symbol of the World”


  • Camila Ferreira de Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná



Fink, Play, World, Symbol, Human Being


This article aims to present a brief analysis of the Finkian understanding of the play from a cosmological philosophical perspective, a notion structured by Eugen Fink in “Play as Symbol of the World” (1960). In this work, the author claims the possibility of approaching play as a legitimate philosophical problem. He proposes to think it beyond the outlines established by traditional metaphysics, mainly through Platonic philosophy, which conceives the play as a mere reproduction of reality. Fink turns his attention to ritualistic cults and life of primitive communities and argues that, in this context, the “non-actuality” of the play world had a higher ontological character compared to the ordinary things of everyday reality. Therefore he develops his interpretation of the play on the basis of three structuring notions: totality, mediality and the notion of symbol. In this sense, the understanding of play is outlined as an ecstatic opening in relation to the totality of the world, as a manifestation of the infinity of the world in the finite human being.

Author Biography

Camila Ferreira de Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná

Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná


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How to Cite

Oliveira, C. F. de. (2020). The Awakening of Infinity in Finitude. An Analysis of Eugen Fink’s “Play as Symbol of the World”. Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences, 1(3), 475–483.