The question of women in Buytendijk and Simone de Beauvoir
Buytendijk, Simone de Beauvoir, Phenomenology, Freedom, WomanAbstract
In this article we will discuss the issue of women in the thoughts of Buytendijk and Simone de Beauvoir. To do so, we will start from the exposition of the thesis presented by Buytendijk (1887-1974) in his book “The woman, her ways of being, of appearing, of existing: an essay on existential psychology”, whose first french edition is from 1954, a context in which that reverberates the monumental “The second sex” (1949) by Simone de Beauvoir. Through a descriptive phenomenological analysis, Buytendijk criticizes biological reductionism by ar-ticulating concepts such as human being, body and freedom in the light of the defense of a woman’s existing and historical way of being revealed from the body. Starting from this, we will articulate the perspective proposed by Buytendijk with the thought of Simone de Beauvoir whose question about the feminine existence, for the dutch thinker, would still be a tributary of the conscience and the existentialist conception of freedom derived from her.
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