The Importance of Game in the Body Configuration of Modern Life




Play, Games, Corporeality, Freedom


The objective of this research was to study about the importance of playing and gaming for children’s body configuration and its implications in contemporary times. The works by Buytendijk that supported this text were “El juego y su significado” e “Psicologia do Futebol”. Based on the first one that discusses the meaning of playing and gaming, we see the importance of the sociocultural aspect and its influences on the child’s body development. The playing and gaming are two conditions that directly have an influence in the daily lives of children, the playing can always influence and dynamize their body and intercorporeal dimension. Other authors have been used as complementary reading and they were also unanimous in reporting on the importance of playing and gaming in the existence of children and young people. Above all, about human relations, their desires, projects and the context of their historicity, since it is from the recognition of the contextual that the individual will understand that he may be the author of his own history.

Author Biography

Silmara de Fatima Mielke

Mestre em Filosofia pela Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Paraná,
Fisioterapeuta, Professora de Educação Física
e de Yoga.


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How to Cite

Mielke, S. de F. (2021). The Importance of Game in the Body Configuration of Modern Life. Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences, 2(1), 44–50.