The Nuisance of Incompleteness in Contemporary Times: Suffering and Theatricality in a Sartrian Perspective




Incompleteness, Sartre, Contemporaneity, Suffering, Theatricality


The article in question proposes to discuss how the particularities of our contemporaneity are related to the search for an unrealizable ideal of completeness, along with this, it also seeks to present some developments of this phenomenon in the relations of tension between man and his existential horizon nowadays. The discussion developed here is based on the theoretical basis of the phenomenological-existential perspective of Jean-Paul Sartre, a philosopher who conceives subjectivity as an always unfinished construction. Thus, at first we will start from a broader view of our human condition to understand the intrinsic relationship between  unfinished, anguish, freedom and theatricalization of oneself. In a second step, we will discuss to what extent the historical horizon in which we live contributes to the search for a finish and the consequent silencing of the theatricality that constitutes us as free human beings. This phenomenon seems to have a strong relationship with the current omnipotence project that sees incompleteness as an uncomfortable defect to be overcome. We will see that the critical analysis of this scenario discussed here reveals fundamental questions to be considered by a Psychology of Sartrian inspiration in contemporary times.


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How to Cite

Michelle Thieme de Carvalho. (2024). The Nuisance of Incompleteness in Contemporary Times: Suffering and Theatricality in a Sartrian Perspective. Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences, 5(2), 115–123.