Psychology as a science: does the origin of phenomenology have foundations in Aristotelian theory?




Brentano, Aristotle, Psychology, Phenomenology, Intencionality


This work will analyze the influences of the Aristotelian theory in the origins of phenomenology, specifically in the investigation of Franz Brentano. We will address on the work in which Brentano claims to be an Aristotelian and we will compare it with his attempts to highlight psychology as a science along with the foundations of phenomenology. For that, we will also develop the important notion of intentionality to phenomenology. And finally, we will show that Brentano does not seem complety Aristotelian as he claims.

Author Biography

Sâmara Araújo Costa, Universidade do Porto

Licenciatura em Educação Física - Universidade Tricordiana Vale do Rio Verde - UNINCOR

Bacharel em Filosofia - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG

Mestre em Filosofia Contemporânea - Universidade do Porto - PT

Doutoramento em andamento em Filosofia - Universidade do Porto - PT


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How to Cite

Costa, S. A. (2023). Psychology as a science: does the origin of phenomenology have foundations in Aristotelian theory?. Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences, 4(3), 188–200.