About the Journal
Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences - Fenomenologia, Humanidades e Ciências - ISSN 2675-4673 - edited by the Laboratory of Phenomenology and Subjectivity (LabFeno) and the Association of Phenomenological Research (APFeno), was created with the purpose of being a vehicle for the dissemination of Phenomenology and its possible applications in the various sciences. Its guidelines are defined by the Editorial Board, which include psychologists, philosophers, health and education professionals.
Thus, its editorial line seeks to favour thoughts - in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective - around the following themes:
a) Phenomenology;
b) Phenomenological Psychology;
c) Philosophy of Existence;
d) Humanistic and Existential Psychologies;
e) Qualitative and Phenomenological Research in Health, Human, Social and Education Sciences.